ASUSのゲーミングwi-fiルーターTUF-AX3000を購入しました。 -今のところすこぶる快適です I bought the TUF-AX3000 gaming wi-fi router from ASUS. -So far it's been super comfortable!

The English translation(By is at bottom of the page.


少し前から我が家で使っていた NECAterm から始まるルーターが、なぜか突然繋がらなくなるというトラブルが置きました。


具体的にはスマートフォンなどは繋がりますが Windows 10から繋がらないという問題です。これは調べてみると他にも同様の症状がちらほら出ており、我が家固有の問題ではないようでした。

価格.com - 『回線が切れます』 NEC Aterm WX6000HP PA-WX6000HP のクチコミ掲示板

価格.com - 『不定期に突然接続が切れる』 NEC Aterm WG1200HS PA-WG1200HS のクチコミ掲示板

価格.com - 『IPv4接続が定期的に切れます』 NEC Aterm WG1200HP3 PA-WG1200HP3 のクチコミ掲示板






ふと気づけば我が家ではスマホが5台、中継器2台、mac含めたパソコン3台、テレビが3台、アンプが1台、WiFi電子レンジ(ヘルシオ)が1台、Google Home が1台、Alexaが3台と、今ぱっと思いつくだけでもこれだけの wi-fi に繋がる機器があり、いっぺんに接続することはないにしろ、同時接続数が多めでそれなりに評価が高くてよさげなメーカーを絞っていくと、何台か候補が絞られましたが、最終的にASUS TUF-AX3000がいいかなという結論に達し購入しました。





到着し早速繋げてみたしたが、ipv 6も開通しており通信速度はこんな感じです。













We had a problem that the router starting from NEC Aterm that we have been using in our house for a while ago, suddenly stopped connecting.


Specifically, it is a problem that smart phones and other devices can be connected, but Windows 10 cannot. This is not a problem specific to our house, as we have seen other similar symptoms here and there. - Reviews and comments about NEC Aterm WX6000HP PA-WX6000HP - Reviews and Comments for NEC Aterm WG1200HS PA-WG1200HS - "Irregularly and Suddenly lose connection" NEC Aterm WG1200HS - Reviews and Comments for NEC Aterm WG1200HP3 PA-WG1200HP3 - "IPv4 connection gets cut off periodically



I've been having almost identical problems with these symptoms and I've tried many things to help, but, well, there doesn't seem to be any threads to refer to or solve anything, so I've decided to give up and buy a new router.


... I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.


It's a good thing that you have a good idea of what you're doing. After narrowing down the list of manufacturers that had a high number of simultaneous connections and were reasonably well rated, even if they didn't connect all at once, we narrowed down the list to a few candidates, but we finally came to the conclusion that the ASUS TUF-AX3000 was a good choice and bought it.


We chose it because manufacturers like ASUS that sell globally are always competing on a global basis, software updates are quicker in case of problems, and the number of users made it easy to pick up solutions to problems online.


When I arrived, I tried to connect to it right away. ipv 6 is also available, and the communication speed is like this.



More than 300M. I can't complain about the speed when it comes to normal use.
It's a good value for a weekday at 6:30am, isn't it? Uploading images to the Hatena blog has also become twice as fast as it should be.

The rest of the time, I just hope it doesn't get sluggish again, although some say "the internet is a living thing".


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