チクチクしないレギンスはしまむらのファイバーヒートが正解そうです For leggings that don't prickle, Shimamura's Fiber Heat seems to be the right choice.

The English translation(By DeepL.com) is at bottom of the page.




















レーヨン 70%

アクリル 25%

ポリウレタン 5%



ポリエステル 90%

ポリウレタン 10%





シルクとも違う、綿とも違う、何とも言えないしっとり感があって、これならいけそうと思い、さらにピタッとひっつくのを避けるために LL サイズを買って着てみると…大正解!

これを履いてしばらく移動してみましたが、チクチク痒くなることもなく、満足のいく 購入となりました!









I don't buy a lot of long pants, partly because of the heat, but I found myself with several pairs of short pants and only two pairs of long pants.

And one of them is used a lot, and this means I don't have to wash them. I don't know how I spent last winter....

Anyway, I was going to buy some long pants, but it's a pain in the ass to try them on and take them off at the clothing store.



So when I went into the clothing store, the hassle was too much for me and I ended up leaving without buying anything.

When I was wondering what I should do, I found

'Yes! Just make sure you can wear these short pants in the winter!

So I decided to try leggings.

I had originally given up on leggings because they were dry or stinging and made me itchy when I wore them, but if I could solve this problem, I would be able to play around with various fashion patterns, so I started to investigate seriously.

The first solution was to put moisturizer on my feet, but I couldn't put moisturizer on my feet every time I wore leggings, and I didn't want to get them wet every time I wore them, so I dismissed that one.

Next is the material. I checked and found that most leggings are made of synthetic fibers and they feel nice and slippery to the touch, but they inevitably itch on my legs.

Some of the leggings are lined and tough, but I don't like the heat, so they probably have to be extremely cold to get them to stay on.

I searched the internet and various clothing stores for "cotton leggings that aren't so thick," but I found them in Shimamura. Fiber heat leggings.

Blending SILLWARM and rayon, a micro acrylic raw cotton developed by Toray

this appliance

70% rayon

Acrylic 25%.

Polyurethane 5%.


rubberized part

90% Polyester

Polyurethane 10%



When I say lined, I don't mean rumpled!
I saw these on display in the store along with various leggings, and they were obviously different from the others in that they felt somehow moist to the touch.

It's different from silk, different from cotton, it's indescribably moist, and I thought it would work, so I bought a size LL to avoid a snug fit and tried it on...I was right!

I moved around in these for a while and they didn't itch, so I'm happy with my purchase!


...but I didn't notice it at Shimamura, and I didn't notice it when I brought it home, but when I opened the bag, it was rather dark blue, and it was a bit hard to match with my black shorts, as I always have black shorts, so it was a bit of a mistake The LL size was too big, too.


It was a little too dowdy and blue-purple-ish.
I'm going to go to Shimamura tomorrow and look closely to see if they have a size L and pure black one.

I hope I can find one. Hmmm... I'm careless...


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)