Amazonブラックフライデーの戦利品その1「タブレットスタンド」@ iPad Pro に必須だと思います Amazon Black Friday Loot #1: "Tablet Stand" at iPad Pro, which I think is a must-have





僕はもともとiPad Pro 12.9inchを使っているのですがこれはかなり大きくて、どこかに立てかけておかないでその辺にぽっとを置いておくと、机の上のかなりの面積をとって邪魔になります。




[Amazonブランド] Eono(イオーノ) タブレットスタンド スマホスタンド アルミ ホルダー 270°角度調整可能


こうやってワイヤレスの Bluetooth のキーボードとマウスを繋げて置けば、ちょっとした iMacに早変わり。


シャキーン なんか全体的に斜めっぽいのは見逃してください

たぶん総重量的にはMacBook proを持ち運ぶよりも写真のセットを持っていた方が軽いと思うので、ブログを書くぐらいの用事の時はカバンにこれらを忍ばせておいた方が楽かもしれません。







Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the five days of sales are over. I thought I didn't want to buy anything in particular, but once the sale started, I ended up spending a lot of money on this and that.




First of all, I would like to introduce one of my purchases, a tablet stand.

My iPad Pro 12.9" is quite large, and it takes up a lot of space on my desk if I leave it on the floor without standing it up somewhere else.

You can also use it as a stand using the stock keyboard, but I bought a stand because the angle is not adjustable and I don't need it when I don't use the keyboard separately.

I also wanted to be able to move it around and use it by the bedside, so I chose this one because it's easy and stylish.

Amazon Brand] Eono Tablet Stand Aluminum Phone Stand with 270° Angle Adjustable Stand

To be honest, my first impression when I took it out of the box was that the material was a bit cheap, but looking at it from a distance, it looks harmonious and exciting with the aluminum body on the back of the iPad.

If you connect the wireless Bluetooth keyboard and mouse in this way, it can be turned into a little iMac.


Shakin'! Don't miss the slanted look of the whole thing!

Maybe in terms of total weight, it's lighter to carry a set of photos than to carry a MacBook pro, so it might be easier to keep these in your bag when you're doing errands that involve blogging.

And I took this video today.


I created a new channel to try to do my best at silver life hacks in video form, so if you'd like to subscribe, please do so.


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