ワーケーションしにホテルで宿泊しています。@ロイヤルパークホテル・アイコニック大阪 - GoToキャンペーン Staying at a Hotel for Work Vacation @ Royal Park Hotel Iconic Osaka - Go To Campaign

Go To キャンペーンを使って御堂筋の淀屋橋近くにあるホテルにワーケーションしに行きました。

The English translation(By DeepL.com) is at bottom of the page.













今までは備え付けのオフィスっぽいデスクとかFree Wi-FIとか、大して気にしたことはありませんが、これからは必須になりそうです。





With the Go To campaign, I went on a work-cation to a hotel near Yodoyabashi in Midosuji.



My job is to edit a video for youtube and write this blog, but since everything is synced to the cloud, I can resume editing the video I just did at home.

I'm bringing my macbook to the hotel as I write this.

If I wanted to edit a video here in the days when physical media was the norm not long ago, I'd need to carry around a portable hard drive full of files.

I don't like to carry more luggage because I only carry my underwear with me when I stay at a hotel, but thanks to the cloud, I can do almost anything with my laptop, and I suddenly realize that we live in a good time.


I'm staying at the Executive King with a lounge, but before the ostentatious name, the hotel was just built in March of this year, so everything is clean, quiet, and comfortable with a nice view.


I've never really paid much attention to the provided office-like desk or free Wi-FI, but from now on, it's going to be a necessity.