有機 EL を手に入れたら真っ暗にして映画やドラマ、ゲームを楽しみましょう。暗転シーンでファンタジーの世界と融合できます Once you get your OLED, turn it dark and enjoy movies, dramas, and games. Darkening Scenes to Fuse Your Fantasy World
The English translation(By DeepL.com) is at bottom of the page.
LGの有機EL を買ったので少し前に友達を呼んで、部屋を真っ暗にして、 アンプや充電器などのチカチカ光るledライトもできるだけ消してゼログラビティを見ました
有機 EL は暗いシーンではパネルが光らないので本当に真っ暗で、ゼログラビティのような暗いシーンが続くような映画は、本当にディスプレイと部屋の境目がちょっと分からなくなるくらいに融合して見えます。
まあ、有機 EL の設定を派手な方向に突き詰めていくと、眩しい太陽が差し込むようなシーンでは黒との対比で本気で眩しく感じますし、これで長時間コンテンツを楽しむのは厳しいかもなあと思っていたら、アニメを4時間ぶっ通しで見ていて驚きました。
有機ELかつ4kというのは、Netflix のドキュメンタリーを適当に再生してみても本当に綺麗でいちいち感動させられます。最近は自分のyoutubeチャンネルをもう一つ開設したり色んなことをしているのでなかなかテレビに向かって長時間見ることがなくなってきていますが、落ち着いたらまたのめり込みたいですね。
まあその前に Xbox Series X をつないで早く大画面で4kゲームを楽しみたいのですが、今現在どっっっっっこにも売っていません Microsoft さんいい加減にしてください!買わせてください!辛い!PS5でも良いや!
A little while ago, since I bought an LG OLED, I invited my friends over to watch Zero Gravity, darkening the room and turning off as many flickering LED lights as possible, such as amplifiers and chargers
OLEDs are really dark in dark scenes because the panels don't glow, and in a movie like Zero Gravity, which has a series of dark scenes, it really looks like the border between the display and the room is a little bit blurred.
And when the scene goes dark for a moment or becomes completely dark, the light source in the room becomes completely zero, and you instantly feel as if the weightlessness of the universe has spread out. This is the first time for me to experience this sensation, and I was very impressed.
Well, if you push the OLED settings in a flashy direction, you will feel seriously dazzling in contrast to the black in scenes where the sun shines brightly, and I thought it might be tough to enjoy content for a long time with this, but I was surprised when I watched an animation for four hours straight.
Maybe the whole display is not constantly emitting light, so it is somewhat gentle on the eyes.
The OLED and 4k display is really beautiful and impressive, even when I try to play a documentary from Netflix. I've been doing a lot of things lately, including setting up my own YouTube channel, so I don't have much time to sit down and watch TV for long periods of time, but once things settle down, I'd like to get back into it.
Well, before that, I'd like to connect my Xbox Series X and enjoy 4k games on the big screen, but as of now, it's not available anywhere. Let me buy! I don't care if it's PS5!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)