イラチの大阪人にはPS5やXbox series x/sなどの次世代機がぴったりだと思って駆けずり回った話 The story of running around thinking that next generation consoles such as PS5 and Xbox series x/s would be perfect for the irritating Osaka people


2週間ほど前にゲームの次世代機が出ましたね。まあ、グラフィック自体は正直ちびるほどきれいとかものすごい進化しているとか、PS4世代と並べてみてありえない位違うと言うわけではないなぁと思っていますが、やはりロード時間の短縮は大きいですね。 The English translation(By DeepL.com) is at bottom of the page.




さらにPS5、殊更Xbox series x/sは後方互換が過去最高レベルに充実していて、現世代機では楽しいと思いつつロード時間が長くてやらなくなったFF15やDevil May Cry5などを、次世代機でもう一度プレイしたい衝動にかられています。


と言うわけで今日、用事がありヨドバシカメラに居たのでゲームコーナーを覗くと当然PS5は入荷未定の張り紙が貼っていましたが、xbox series x/sコーナーには何も告知が無かったので店員さんにありますかと尋ねると、品切れですと言われました。


そもそもxboxのコーナーすら無いところもあって、「xbox 360の時代はもうちょっとマシだったよなあ、xbox oneの時代に何があったんや」とか思いながら家に着いて今このブログを書いています。





A couple of weeks ago, the next generation of gaming consoles came out. To be honest, I don't think that the graphics themselves are too beautiful, or too advanced, or that they are unbelievably different from the PS4 generation, but the reduction in loading time is significant.


Battle Loading in Final Fantasy Series

The First Load of Grand Theft Auto

The next generation console seems to reduce the load time by about a third, and even though it is an optimized game, it seems that "if you don't die, you won't have a load time to complete it". I wanted it.

Furthermore, the PS5, especially the Xbox series x/s, has the best backward compatibility ever, and I'm tempted to play FF15 and Devil May Cry5, which I thought were fun on the current generation consoles but stopped playing because of the long load times, again on the next generation consoles.


So today, I was at Yodobashi Camera, and when I peeked into the game corner, there was a sign posted that the PS5 was still in stock, but the xbox series x/s corner didn't have any notice, so I asked the clerk if they had it, but he told me it was out of stock.

I was so frustrated that I dropped by Bic Camera, GEO, and a local game store on my way home, but they were all gone.

Some of them didn't even have an xbox section to begin with, and I'm writing this blog now as I arrive home thinking, "The days of xbox 360 were a bit better, what happened to the days of xbox one?


I should have bought it on Amazon. Ho ho ho.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)